
Archive for December 11, 2010

Its a Small World After All…

December 11, 2010 2 comments

So, here I sit in my town house in Vancouver, WA with two of my three daughters behind me playing together so nicely.  My amazing wife and our oldest daughter are out shopping together for some needy family’s in the SE Portland area.  I am trying to clear my mind of the “Medicine Head” I have presently enough to write something worth reading.


Reflecting back upon this weeks activities in my life I realized that I did a lot.  I bought a car.  Sold a car. Repaired a car. Licensed and registered a car. Went grocery shopping.  Played with my kids. Managed a business. Spent a lot of money. Went to a Portland Trailblazers game with my wife for DATE NIGHT.  That is a lot to do in one weeks time.  It explains my fatigue level.  Of course having a head cold and cough is not helping either.  This is not why I was writing today.


I wanted to write today, I think, about how small our world has become.  I was thinking the other day about life in the early to mid 1990’s.  A lot has changed since then.  It has only been 15 years.  However, at that time I did not have an email address.  I did not have a cell phone.  I did not have a wife or 3 kids.  I did not have a job.  I did not have debt.  I did not drink lattes.  There was not a Starbucks where I went to school.  Twitter, Facebook and Blogs did not exist.  I still hand wrote letters to my, then, Girlfriend.  It took 3 days to get them to her and from her.  Not 3 seconds. I lived in Ellensburg, WA. Technology has changed our world.  It has brought us closer together in many ways.  It is truly amazing to me.




What kinds of things in todays world are you excited about that did not exist 15 years ago?   How has your life changed due to the technology advancements?


(I need to take more medicine and rest.)

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