Home > Uncategorized > The BEST CHRISTmas songs of ALL TIME

The BEST CHRISTmas songs of ALL TIME

So, some of you wanted to know my take on this topic.   Not being an EXPERT in the music industry or being able to produce music myself makes this hard to do fairly.  However, this is my BLOG and I have stated several times that I am opinionated.  So, I will give my opinion along with a list of the top 5 of ALL TIME based upon cross referencing several sources.  I am also NOT going to list the WORST Christmas songs of all time as I think that kind of makes you depressed when you hear them.

So, without any further waiting…..here is my list of (5) all time favorites for the CHRISTmas season.

1.  Oh Holy Night – I love this when sung by a TENOR.  Makes the hairs on my neck stand up and goose bumps appear.  I have provided links to two renditions of this song that I found on the web.  I know that there are hundreds available and each of us has our own favorite.  But I think you will get the point I am making with this being the best of all time.




2. I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas –   It is Bing Crosby.  Enough said.





3.  The Christmas Song –  Nate King Cole sings this song.  Again, enough said.





4.  Wizards of Winter – Trans-Siberian Orchestra – This is a great song to have playing during present opening.  It represents the   organized chaos very well I think. Plus we all recall THIS video when it hit the web.



5.  Blue Christmas – Elvis Presley –  I am not a really big fan of Elvis.  But this is one of those songs I grew up with at Christmas time and it is just a timeless classic and worthy of this listing.






Those are my top 5 songs for the Christmas season.  Below I have attached links to several other top 10 lists on this same topic.  I hope you enjoy these songs on your families Christmas holiday weekend.

Merry Christmas and GOD Bless you all.







Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Matt
    December 27, 2010 at 12:11 pm

    Nice picks, buddy. I love a good, fun version of the 12 days of Christmas and my wife’s favorite song of all time is Jingle Bells. I think my daughter might say “Santa Claus is coming to town” based on how much she sings it.

  2. December 29, 2010 at 7:23 pm

    Nice picks! My favorite of all-time is “Sleigh Ride” as played by the Boston Pops without lyrics. I love the violin horse whinny and the crack of the whip!

    • December 29, 2010 at 7:43 pm

      Very nice choice. I don’t think you can go wrong really as long as it makes you happy.

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